Sunday, October 12, 2014

we are all stardust

i just recently watched the film "the fault in our stars", which i started off by reading the novel which i did not finish due to the series of ocular migraine brought by, the apparently, excessive use of eyesight.

in that movie, both of the main characters are somehow ill, but the Juliette is more ill, though romeo is still recovering from his, and at the end, romeo's illness got worse than Juliette's and he... died.

They both knew that it was coming and accepted. Romeo, as i paraphrase, said that the time will come that we will all be dead and that nobody will remember us.

I believe that God created us with his powerful word that took billions of years because science dictates that the universe is that old and i believe it so while believing God, because He is eternal and that He is not time bound and i believe that everything started from Him.

Maybe the big bang started from Him, but not the big bang that some scientists say that the nothing decided to explode and came the universe. He created the universe through a process that took billions of years for nature to do its course.

If the time comes for us to leave our body, this body will return to dust, the dust that God breathed into when He created Adam. I remember when Walter White was discussing the components of a human body to his college love, all of the components are natural elements that can be found elsewhere. Meaning, our body came and will go back to the physical things around us.

When God said let there be light, it probably took millions of years from a neutron star to become a matured star and become a super nova and die and repeat its cycle, creating other matters when it explodes, but as a God existing in eternity, it may be a matter of a blink of an eye. And this natural process made all the necessary elements for life to exist, and when the Earth was made, He used the elements from this Earth to create us, the elements created by the process that took billions of years.

But if you believe that the complete being of you is from stardust, i just realized while writing this that you are wrong. There is a part of us, after our body is long gone, that will exist to eternity. But as a metaphor, we can say that we are all stardust to underline that we are just actually a single speck of dust in this vast universe created by His glory...

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